BSE Auction to end all auctions

With Bloor Street Entertains fast approaching (on Wednesday, November 29, 2017), we are delighted to announce that newly appointed CANFAR Board member Sylvia Mantella and Ms. Coco Rocha as Co-Chairs. With seven weeks to go before the big night, we’ve amassed a collection of phenomenal experiences and items totaling almost $100,000. Topping off the list […]
Celebrating Outstanding Support for HIV and AIDS Research

“CANFAR is pleased to honour so many who have dedicated their time, energy, and resources to the fight against HIV and AIDS, and in particular to supporting this fight through research,” said Christopher Bunting, CANFAR President. “The outstanding support of these individuals and organizations—along with our partners and friends across the country—has led to advances […]
Federal MPs Join CANFAR in Practicing “Safe Sox”

Openly gay MPs Seamus O’Regan, Scott Brison, and Randy Boissonnault joined dozens of others at the “Byward Social,” an event organized by CANFAR Legacy Group Co-Chairs Michael Gennis and Jason Sordi. The event, at upscale clothing boutique Schad, located on Sussex Drive, encouraged people to practice “safe sox”. The timing for the event on November […]
Twenty Years of Bloor Street Entertains

Two dozen chefs. More than a dozen florists. Twenty-three venues transformed. And nearly 800 of Toronto’s movers and shakers gathering for Bloor Street Entertains, one incredible evening in support of HIV and AIDS research. All of that and a world of choices were present on November 30th for the 20th anniversary of the Canadian Foundation […]
Great Events for AIDS Research

Normally our event update columns are written by Debbie Osske, our Director of Events and Stewardship, but I wanted to take this one on as it gives me a chance to praise the work that is being done by Debbie, our volunteers, and the rest of the CANFAR team in making great events like AIDSbeat […]
Corporate Partners Highlight

A large part of CANFAR’s pride as an organization is the fundraising events we host throughout the year. However, we cannot take sole credit for the success of these huge projects. Throughout the years, CANFAR has developed many relationships with sponsors and partners that have shown undying commitment to the Foundation and its cause, and […]
A Parade to Remember

The 36th Annual Toronto Pride Parade made the morning headlines – but for some CANFAR marchers, participating in this year’s parade featured as a life highlight. For many, it was their first time marching in what was a parade to remember. “I’ll remember this moment forever,” sums up Sophie Hamr, secretary of CANFAR’s 30 Under […]
CANFAR’s 30 Under Thirty Get Down to Disco

35 years – almost to the day –after HIV was mentioned for the first time in a medical publication, CANFAR’s young supporter group 30 Under Thirty held their first major fundraiser for HIV research. #DressedUpDisco was conceived by 30 Under Thirty co-chair Matt Hyams as a tribute to the early days of the HIV epidemic in North America. […]
Cycle 4 CANFAR Starts their Journey May 9

On May 9th, 2015, Chris Davidge, a student from Western University, and his three friends, will embark on a cross-country cycling trip in support of the Canadian Foundation for AIDS Research (CANFAR) to help in the fight against HIV and AIDS. Cycle 4 CANFAR aims to engage Canadians and raise awareness of the issue, encouraging […]
Celebrating the Success of Bloor Street Entertains 2014

On February 4, 2015 CANFAR celebrated the outstanding contribution to Canadian HIV and AIDS research made by Brian Porter, CEO of Scotiabank and his wife, Megan. As co-chairs of Bloor Street Entertains 2014 Brian and Megan exceeded all expectations with their unselfish giving. As a result, Bloor Street Entertains 2014 broke all records. Mrs. Porter’s […]