This June, CANFAR’s Scientific Advisory Committee held its annual Grant Review meeting in Toronto. This committee includes some of Canada’s leading HIV doctors and researchers. The purpose of this gathering was to review the numerous grant applications submitted to CANFAR for potential funding.

The Scientific Advisory Committee is chaired by Dr. Stanley Read, a Pediatric Disease specialist at Sick Kids Hospital, and Professor Emeritus at the University of Toronto. Dr. Read has chaired the Scientific Advisory Committee since CANFAR was founded. Throughout the year, Dr. Read is responsible for coordinating the efforts of the fifteen Scientific Advisory Committee members as well as an additional 45 researchers who provide external reviews of grant applications.
The Scientific Advisory Committee volunteer their time to review all funding requests that CANFAR receives. As Dr. Read explained, “With limited resources, it is imperative that only the most promising research projects are funded. In order for the committee to remain effective, these dedicated volunteers not only give their time and expertise to CANFAR, but must keep up-to-date on current HIV research, remain impartial, and be incredibly knowledgeable on the infection and its consequences.”
In this funding cycle, 37 applications were received. Broad in their scope, the grant applications covered aspects of HIV prevention, treatment, and a cure, all of which are critical to eliminating the virus. CANFAR extends many thanks to Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP for generously providing the space used for this meeting.
CANFAR will announce the successful grant recipients in August 2016.