In Canada, we have reached a point where the number of new HIV diagnoses annually has not decreased. But how close are we to ending HIV in Canada?

It is estimated that 2,570 people became infected with HIV in Canada in 2014, only slightly lower than in 2011. This is about one new infection every three hours in our country, and more than 20% of those that have HIV are not aware they are infected with the virus.

With support from the Canadian Foundation for AIDS Research, the authors of this paper are a group of doctors and scientists, leaders from prominent HIV/AIDS organizations and public health, and people with lived experience from across the country. The authors came together over the past six months to determine the role of the research community in ending the HIV epidemic in Canada. They addressed the need to connect with grass roots HIV/AIDS community efforts, federal and provincial initiatives, as well as to mobilize other sectors and stakeholders, to get there.