“I’d be honored to do that.” That was the response I received when I proposed a multi-year philanthropic commitment to CANFAR from donor and CANFAR Board member, Tristan Michela.

Tristan’s remarkable pledge of $30,000 over a three-year period was leveraged as matching funds on three different occasions to generate an additional $30,000 to support CANFAR research.
Our goal this year, as well as next, is to ensure that we reach out to our donors throughout the year, and share with you the good work that CANFAR is supporting. Our HIV awareness initiatives are reaching youth from coast to coast, both in and beyond traditional educational settings. Our collaborations with research institutes, hospitals, and universities continue to see returns that far outweigh the investments made. Finally, our Innovation Research grants continue to support the best possible HIV research in the country.

Recently, we’ve been strategically engaging our donors in conversations about sustained support of CANFAR. Pledged contributions, regardless of amount – made over a period of years, or on a monthly basis, enables CANFAR to consider funding mid and long-term research projects. Donors like Mr. Michela, The Slaight Family Foundation, as well as, partners like BMO Financial, Labatt, and Delta have all made multi-year commitments that allow us to fund in-depth research projects, and comprehensive initiatives.

On behalf of the CANFAR Board of Directors, our funded researchers, and the entire team – I thank you for your ongoing support of our work, and your consideration of making a pledge to further our sustained efforts to end HIV permanently.

Story by Kyle Winters, CANFAR President and Chief Operating Officer