Throughout 2021, leading up to the 25th Anniversary of CANFAR’s signature fundraising event, Bloor Street Entertains, we are honouring past Event Chairs with our Patron Circle Award.

To pay homage to a quarter century of research and celebrate the enormous impact Bloor Street Entertains has made on our ability to combat HIV/AIDS in Canada, we hope you’ll join us as we recognize the brilliant members of our community who have made this journey possible.

We are pleased to present the first award of 2021 to our generous donor and long-time member of the CANFAR community, Tristan Michela. As a past BSE Chair & Co-Chair, Tristan continues to serve on CANFAR’s Board of Directors, as he has for over a decade.

Throughout the years, Tristan has adopted significant roles within CANFAR including his support for the Legacy Fund and its core research & development initiative, PrEP. We are happy to take this opportunity to thank Tristan for his passion, generosity and philanthropic efforts as we embark on CANFAR 2025 and work to eradicate the HIV epidemic in Canada within the next four years.