The Feast Centre for Indigenous STBBI Research
in Partnership with the CIHR Centre for REACH and CANFAR
Indigenous COVID-19 STBBI Response Grant

Request for Proposals

CANFAR is proud to announce that in collaboration with the CIHR Centre for REACH, Feast Centre grants are now being made available to support research related to Indigenous peoples (First Nations, Inuit and Métis), Sexually Transmitted Blood Borne Infections (STBBI) and COVID-19 in the four pillars of health science (clinical, epidemiology, basic science and social science).

The purpose of this call is to solicit project proposals on the intersections between COVID-19 and STBBI in Indigenous communities that will have a measurable impact. Communities of Indigenous people living with HIV, Hep C or other STBBI have teachings that are relevant to our understanding of the impact of COVID-19 within Indigenous communities. Stigma, discrimination, social isolation, colonization, experiences of residential schooling, structural inequities, community bonds, strengths, traditions and deep resilience have all impacted how Indigenous people have experienced STBBI and how many people and communities will experience COVID-19. These grants aim to support research about keeping Indigenous people healthy by building on Indigenous knowledges and community experiences to maintain and strengthen Indigenous wellbeing.

Application Deadline: September 16, 2020
Funding Amount: $25,000

Download the Grant Application

Feast REACH CANFAR Indigenous STBBI COVID-19 Research Grant

Subvention du Centre festin traditionnel, REACH et FCRS sur le COVID-19 et aux ITSS chez les Autochtones