Members of the Canadian HIV Cure Enterprise (CanCURE) are pleased to announce that their website is now live. The CanCURE website highlights Canada’s commitment to the global initiative to find a cure.

The website presents research program, team members, publications, news releases, upcoming events, as well as other relevant information related to CanCURE. A section about Community relations and engagement is also included.
Over the next years, their website will inform the public worldwide about CanCURE’s science and research activities towards an HIV Cure. Follow CanCURE online to keep up-to-date about the developments and progress of their consortium.
CanCURE’s research program is supported by the Canadian Initiative for HIV Cure Research, created through a partnership between the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Canadian Foundation for AIDS Research (CANFAR), and the International AIDS Society (IAS).