HIV and AIDS Networks and Service Organizations in Canada

These are national and regional AIDS Networks and AIDS Service Organizations in Canada, broken down provincially.

HIV and AIDS Networks

Canadian Indigenous AIDS Network (CAAN)

Location: Vancouver, BC Websites:, CAAN provides a National forum for Indigenous Peoples to holistically address HIV and AIDS, HCV, STBBIs, TB, Mental Health, aging and related co-morbidity issues; promotes a Social Determinants of Health Framework through advocacy; and provides accurate and up to date resources on these issues in a culturally relevant manner for Indigenous Peoples wherever they reside.   Indigenous AIDS Awareness Week Indigenous AIDS Awareness Week 2015 will connect national Indigenous organizations, government partners, health care providers, and community leaders to focus on how they will work together to reach the goal of: Getting to Zero. Zero new HIV infections, discrimination and AIDS related deaths. Assessing Community Readiness This project promotes knowledge sharing that will influence policies and assist communities to improve and/or increase culturally appropriate HIV and AIDS prevention interventions and services.   The Young Eagles’ Challenge This project includes two guides that have been created to support youths to learn about HIV & AIDS, and to even support them to talk to others.   Indigenous Women Leadership This strategy is about increasing and broadening the base of support for Indigenous women and girls by: creating safe spaces, building capacity and increasing prevention strategies.   Trans-National Project To develop nation-wide working committee of Indigenous gender-diverse people to ensure their voices are available to address key issues impacting them at both regional and national levels.

Canadian AIDS Society (CAS)

Location: Ottawa, ON Website: Incorporated since 1986, the Canadian AIDS Society (CAS) is a national coalition of over 120 community-based AIDS organizations across Canada. We are dedicated to strengthening the response to HIV & AIDS across all sectors of society, and to enriching the lives of people and communities living with HIV & AIDS.

Canadian HIV Observational Cohort (CANOC)

Website: A collaborative research centre that focuses on HIV health services and epidemiologic cohort research.

Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network

Location: Toronto, ON Websites:, The Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network promotes the human rights of people living with and vulnerable to HIV & AIDS, in Canada and internationally, through research and analysis, advocacy and litigation, public education and community mobilization.   Prison needle and syringe programs (PNSPs) Introducing PNSPs in Canada is an important solution to the growing HIV and hepatitis C epidemic in Canada’s federal prison system. Public support for PNSPs is essential to ensure that Canadian politicians and decision-makers are committed to supporting the immediate implementation of PNSPs.   Positive Women: Exposing Injustice A 45-minute documentary film that tells the personal stories of four women living with HIV in Canada. Produced by Goldelox Productions and the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network.

Interagency Coalition on AIDS and Development (ICAD)

Location: Ottawa, ON Website: ICAD is a coalition of approximately 100 AIDS service organizations (ASOs), non-governmental organizations (NGOs), faith-based organizations, educational institutions and labour unions that work together to address the HIV & AIDS crisis. ICAD helps Canadians contribute to international HIV & AIDS work and ensures that the lessons learned from the global response to HIV & AIDS are utilized by Canadian organizations to improve prevention, care, treatment and support work in Canada.

Manitoba First Nations AIDS Working Group (MFNAWG)

Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba Website: Through effective communication with First Nations health systems, MFNAWG develop and enhance a program continuum of HIV & AIDS prevention, through linkages with other health programs, education, care, treatment and support for those First Nations people who are infected and affected by HIV & AIDS.

Nova Scotia Advisory Commission on AIDS

Location: Halifax, NS Website: The Commission gives policy advice on HIV & AIDS and related issues to the Government of Nova Scotia. Our job is to help create an approach to prevention, care, treatment and support services that is easy to use and is open to all people, by partnering with ASOs in particular and government, non-government, and community groups, as well as those most impacted by HIV & AIDS from across Nova Scotia.

African and Caribbean Council on HIV/AIDS in Ontario (ACCHO)

Location: Toronto, ON Website:, Since 2005, the ACCHO has worked diligently with its partners to coordinate and strengthen the provincial response to HIV in African, Caribbean and Black (ACB) communities.   Keep It Alive A campaign aimed to increase awareness of HIV and its prevalence in the community, encourage testing and reduce HIV-related stigma, by promoting values that African, Caribbean and Black communities hold dear. The campaign was implemented using various forms of advertisements in Hamilton, London, Ottawa, Peel, Sudbury, Thunder Bay, Toronto and Windsor.   Get Sexty A website that site that speaks to African, Caribbean and Black youth of diverse identities and backgrounds. The site gives youths access to information on topics they may have always wanted to know more about. It contains facts about HIV and other STIs, including testing in Ontario.

Committee for Accessible AIDS (CAAT)

Location: Toronto, ON Website: A coalition of more than 30 Ontario based organizations from the legal, health, settlement and HIV & AIDS sectors. It was formed in 1999 to improve treatment and service access for marginalized people with HIV & AIDS. Since its inception, CAAT has been at the forefront of education, research, service coordination and advocacy on issues related to HIV, immigration and access. CAAT’s key program areas include: Education and outreach, community development, service and volunteer coordination, and research and evidence-based advocacy.

Gay Men’s Sexual Health Alliance (GMSH)

Location: Toronto, ON Website:,,, GMSH works to create a system (within the HIV sector) in Ontario through which front-line workers, HIV researchers, public health, policy makers and community members can work together in gay men’s health and well-being. GMSH is made up of a network of HIV prevention workers involved in ASOs, who come together to develop sexual health resources to meet the needs of gay and bi men. Network members participate in our working groups, our research, our knowledge, transfer and exchange (KTE) activities like webinars and our annual Skills Building Symposium.   GMSH Awareness Programs Our Agenda An online resource that responds to the complexity of factors that include the emotional and physical well-being of gay men. The Sex You Want The Sex You Want is an online platform for gay men to connect with sex, desire, pleasure and health. New 2 Ontario New 2 Ontario responds to the sexual health needs of diverse communities of gay and bisexual men in Ontario and is available in multiple languages. The website hopes to help people adjust to some of the challenges of learning to live in Canada.

Toronto HIV/AIDS Network (THN)

Location: Toronto, ON Website: THN facilitates HIV & AIDS planning, collaboration and innovation to improve access to programs and services for people from diverse communities living with, affected by and at risk of HIV & AIDS. THN’s website is for: participating member organizations/programs, members of THN working groups and project committees (organizational representatives and individual community members), other health and social service providers interested in working together to improve services, other coordinating and planning networks and HIV related funders.

All Nations Hope Network

Location: Regina, SK Website: A network of Indigenous people, organizations and agencies that respectfully strive to provide support and services to our First Nations, Métis and Inuit families and communities who are experiencing HIV & AIDS and Hepatitis C. ANHN Awareness Programs Saskatchewan Indigenous Strategy on HIV & AIDS (SISHA) Strategy to address the HIV & AIDS epidemic in culturally appropriate ways.

AIDS Service Organizations

Community AIDS Treatment Information Exchange (CATIE)

Location: Toronto, ON Website: CATIE is Canada’s source for up-to-date, unbiased information about HIV and hepatitis C. We connect people living with HIV or hepatitis C, at-risk communities, healthcare providers and community organizations with the knowledge, resources and expertise to reduce transmission and improve quality of life.

Canadian Treatment Action Council (CTAC)

Location: Toronto, ON Website: Promotes informed public policy and builds awareness on issues that impede access to treatment and health care for people living with HIV & AIDS.

Canadian Working Group on HIV and Rehabilitation (CWGHR)

Location: Toronto, ON Website: The Canadian Working Group on HIV and Rehabilitation (CWGHR) is a national, charitable organization that responds to the rehabilitation needs of people living with HIV & AIDS. We bridge the traditionally separate worlds of HIV, disability and rehabilitation. Through research, education and cross-sector partnerships we are working to improve the lives of people with HIV.   E-module for Evidence Informed HIV Rehabilitation The aim of this e-module is to enhance knowledge about HIV care among rehabilitation professionals so they may better address the needs of people living with HIV. Notable characteristics of the e-module include the comprehensive review and incorporation of current best evidence on HIV and rehabilitation and the interdisciplinary approach to its development.

Gay Poz Sex (GPS)

Location: Toronto, ON and Vancouver, BC Website: A sexual health program for gay and bisexual men who are HIV-positive. Gay Poz Sex: Finding Your Own Way (GPS) This is an eight-week program by and for gay and bisexual HIV-positive men that aims to shift the ways they talk and think about sex by providing a safe space for them to talk about their sex lives. While the program focuses on sexual health, it isn’t limited to HIV: the program also covers information about sexually transmitted infections, the current legal issues concerning HIV disclosure, and focuses on how men can find their own way to hotter and healthier sex.

Positive Lite

Website: A website that takes a holistic approach to HIV, recognizing that it is far from being just a medical condition, or even a continually developing news story of global proportions, but often a life-changing phenomenon for those who experience it.

Teresa Group

Location: Toronto, ON Website: Canada’s oldest community-based charitable organization specifically serving children affected by HIV & AIDS and their families. The Mane Event – A Hairstyling and Beauty Extravaganza! Annual event fundraiser in support of the Teresa Group.

HIV Community Link

Location: Medicine Hat, AB


HIV Community Link serves hundreds of people living with HIV, helping them to better understand their diagnosis and experience improved wellness and quality of life. Our prevention work is evidence based focusing on key target populations including Gay Men and MSM, Indigenous Communities and African Communities. We educate service providers, community partners and the general population on technicalities of HIV while also advocating for people living with HIV. Our work is unique and built upon a strong foundation of prevention + support + advocacy.


HIV Education and Awareness Today (Heat) (Gay men/MSM)

This program delivers HIV/STI education, awareness and prevention to the gay men/MSM community. We work with Safeworks to provide rapid HIV testing on site at locations such as the Sheldon Chumir and the local bathhouse.


Strong Voices (Indigenous Communities)

A culturally integrated HIV support, prevention and awareness program led and delivered by and for Indigenous people. Our goal is to reduce the harm associated with HIV & AIDS and hepatitis C for all individuals and communities that we serve.


Vulnerable Individuals & Populations (VIP)

Outreach program to take educational programming to populations most at risk for HIV and hepatitis C. Our VIP worker delivers workshops in local shelters, youth centres, and addiction treatment facilities.


Splash of Red

An art auction featuring the work of some of Calgary’s established and emerging artists. This event supports programming in Calgary, Medicine Hat and Brooks to encourage HIV testing and reduce transmission for those at risk, and provide counselling, nutritional programs and peer-based support for those living with HIV.

HIV Edmonton

Location: Edmonton, AB


HIV Edmonton is a harm reduction agency, working to provide the best education and prevention methods to a wide variety of audiences. We do this by focusing on the elimination of HIV transmission and AIDS-related deaths and working to erase the stigma and discrimination faced by people living with, and affected by HIV and AIDS.

The Sharp Foundation

Location: Calgary, AB


SHARP is more than housing! Our homes are safe, secure environments allowing us to deliver an integrated spectrum of care for all clients. Each person we serve receives care aimed at their individual physical, medical, psycho-social and spiritual needs! All the people the SHARP Foundation serves have an HIV+ diagnosis and are challenged with several other complex health and social needs.

AIDS Society of Kamloops (ASK)

Location: Kamloops, BC Website: ASK provides support to individuals living with an/or affected by HIV & AIDS and Hepatitis C. The agency operates to increase capacity within the communities in this region to support clients in living independently and enjoying the best possible quality of life.

AIDS Vancouver Island (AVI)

Location: Victoria, BC Website: A community-based ASO with offices in the communities of Greater Victoria, Nanaimo, the Comox Valley, and Campbell River, and also offer services in the Port Hardy area. Our catchment area includes all of the Gulf Islands. AVI provide education, advocacy and support clients. Men’s Wellness Program Program with focus to reduce HIV, STIs and stigma on Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands amongst men that engage sexually with other men.

British Columbia Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS

Location: Vancouver, BC Website: Centre dedicated to improving the health of British Columbians with HIV through the development, ongoing monitoring and dissemination of comprehensive research and treatment programs for HIV and related diseases. The Centre is a key provincial resource, serving all health authorities, regions and citizens of B.C.

Peter AIDS Foundation

Location: Vancouver, BC Website: The Dr. Peter AIDS Foundation is a non-profit organization that raises funds to support innovative health care at the Dr. Peter Centre in Metro Vancouver. The Dr. Peter Centre is British Columbia’s only HIV & AIDS Day Health Program and 24-hour nursing care Residence. The only program of its kind in Canada, the Dr. Peter Centre is a leader in HIV care, particularly for individuals with multiple medical conditions and social barriers.

Health Initiatives for Men (HIM)

Location: Vancouver, BC Website: HIM is dedicated to strengthening the health and well-being of gay men. We involve and engage gay men to improve foundations of their physical, sexual, social and mental health through research-based, community-minded, volunteer-driven activities. Our materials and programs are for adults and deal with gay sexuality positively and explicitly. Hustle Hustle is a program of HIM that provides specific outreach and support services geared towards self-identified men in the sex industry as well as experimental youth in Vancouver.

Positive Living Society of British Columbia

Location: Vancouver, BC Website: Positive Living BC is dedicated to empowering persons living with HIV & AIDS through mutual support and collective action. Uniquely among major agencies in Canada, the Positive Living BC Board of Directors is composed entirely of HIV-positive members.

Vancouver Island PWA Society (VPWAS)

Location: Victoria, BC Website: The only peer based HIV & AIDS organization on Vancouver Island that has been providing peer support and treatment information to persons living with HIV & AIDS for over 20 years. We are a Social-profit (non-profit), member based organization made up of HIV+ and HepC co-infected people. VPWAS also offer life enhancement activities and a number of programs and services to our membership. Many of these programs and services are prepared and operated by HIV+ member volunteers themselves. Peer Navigation and Peer Support Free, confidential Peer Navigation and Peer Support to anyone who is living with HIV, knows someone living with HIV, or is concerned about HIV and is our most accessed program. POZitively Connected Social and Support Networking for POZ Gay/Bi Men in Victoria! Suits Victoria Based on Positive Living BCs “Suits”, this is a monthly dinner club for HIV Poz gay guys at various Victoria area restaurants on the last Wednesday (usually) of each month. Just Us Guys Just us Guys is a peer-facilitated, discussion based support group for men living with HIV. Positive Women and ViVA Victoria The Positive women of VPWAS have a monthly gathering in a women’s only safe space. VPWAS is happy to partner with ViVA. #TestYYJ #Test YYJ is a project of VPWAS to provide information and guidance for STI/STD and HIV testing in Victoria and on Vancouver Island. Condoms YYJ Condoms YYJ, a project of VPWAS, offers safer sex supplies such as external (male) and internal (female) condoms and lube to anyone in the Victoria area completely free of charge.

Nine Circles Community Health Centre

Location: Winnipeg, MB


The Nine Circles Community Health Centre is a community based, non-profit centre specializing in HIV prevention and care. We support HIV & STI prevention through testing, education and treatment, provide coordinated medical and social supports for those living with HIV, promote sexual and personal health including harm reduction to those at risk.

Sexual Health Info Line

The Sexual Health Info Line is a province-wide service that provides free and confidential information and referrals to callers from Winnipeg and any other community in Manitoba.

AIDS Moncton

Location: Moncton, NB


AIDS Moncton’s focus and mission is to improve the quality of life of those infected and affected by HIV & AIDS and to reduce the spread of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. AIDS Moncton provides support, subsidized housing and fresh produce for PHAs, safe spaces for LGBTQ people and needle distribution services.

It Won’t Happen to Me

A film produced by youth to educate others about the prevention of Hepatitis C and the associated risks of drug use.

Generation Sex

A six-part TV series (winter 2006) produced by youth for youth that openly talked about sex and other stuff you need to know.

AIDS New Brunswick (AIDSNB)

Location: Fredericton, NB


AIDS New Brunswick Inc. is a provincial organization that aims to promote and support the health and well-being of people living with and affected by HIV & AIDS while helping to reduce the spread of HIV, Hepatitis C and other sexually transmitted and blood borne infections in New Brunswick through the provision of prevention, education, and support initiatives.

Red Scarf Campaign 2015

Red Scarves donated by the public will be tied on lampposts and benches around Downtown Fredericton in a symbolic representation of the red ribbon used to represent those lost to, and still affected by HIV & AIDS.  

AIDS Saint John

Location: Saint John, NB


AIDS Saint John has been working to eliminate the stigma associated with HIV for over 20 years, offering prevention, education, advocacy, a needle distribution program, support services and much more to those living with, at risk of, or affected by HIV & AIDS.


Sex Trade Action Committee

A committee to help members of our community impacted by the sex trade through harm reduction, advocacy and education. STAC meets once a month to discuss issues around the sex trade with various community partners.

AIDS Committee of Newfoundland and Labrador (ACNL)

Location: St. John’s, NL


A provincial organization committed to preventing the spread of HIV and Hepatitis C. ACNL works to support people living with and/or affected by HIV & AIDS or Hepatitis C.  ACNL advocates for change while networking on a provincial, regional, national, and international level regarding HIV & AIDS and Hepatitis C issues.

Safe Works Access Program (SWAP)

Needle distribution service offered by the AIDS Committee of Newfoundland and Labrador (ACNL). It is a health promotion and education service for people who use drugs.

Gay Urban Youth Zone (GUYZ)

The goal of the GUYZ Project is to increase knowledge and awareness about HIV, Hepatitis C (HCV) and sexually transmitted infections (STI) among young gay men and service providers in the St. John’s area.

AIDS Coalition of Nova Scotia

Location: Halifax, NS


A provincial organization committed to preventing the spread of HIV and Hepatitis C.


Together We Can Stop HIV Stigma

Campaign in partnership with other ASOs to raise awareness about the stigma people living with HIV face, as well as to raise awareness about HIV testing and risk.

Check Me Out

An easy-to-use sexual health checklist for men to take to their family doctors or other healthcare professionals to educate both themselves and their doctors about regular sexual health maintenance.

Know the Bottom Line Campaign

Online resources for people to become more informed about current issues around testing, safer sex, HIV & AIDS and STIs.

The Keep it Alive Campaign

Collaboration with ACCHO (with a foucs on ACB communities in NS) to encourage province-wide discussion about of HIV within the ACB communities resulted from discussions held among community members.

Africans in Partnership Against AIDS (APAA)

Location: Toronto, ON


A community-based, Canadian non-profit charitable organization serving the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). APAA is committed to the provision of HIV & AIDS education in a linguistically and culturally sensitive context. APAA believes that a supportive environment is essential to the well-being of people living with HIV & AIDS (PHAs) and their partners, families and friends.


Project Muslima aka The Muslim Girls’ Project is a project by and for Muslim women from the 14-29 age categories with emphasis, but not limitation, on the African-Caribbean community target group.  The objectives of this project are to raise HIV & AIDS awareness and provide HIV & AIDS outreach and prevention education to this overlooked community in a socio-cultural, religiously aligned, gender targeted and linguistically mindful manner.

AIDS Committee of Toronto (ACT)

Location: Toronto, ON


Since 1983 ACT has developed programs and services that respond to the changing needs of the communities it serves. ACT works with gay men and young people to increase their knowledge, skills and resilience to reduce HIV transmission and improve their sexual health. We work with our communities to develop information, provide outreach and education and create opportunities for community members to increase their skills. We also train service providers who work with women to increase their knowledge of HIV and their capacity to address women living with or at increased risk for HIV.


ACT has just launched a bold, new multimedia campaign, HIVnow, that is intended to raise awareness around HIV because the times have changed and HIV is different today. It asks big questions, puts forward honest answers and issues clear calls to action. Hot topics include testing, PrEP, disclosure and viral load.

Positive Youth Outreach (PYO)

Free support services for people under 30 years old living with HIV. They provide education about HIV, help with support, and will be there for you if you run into problems. It is a safe and confidential service you can access by phone or e-mail.

ACT also has many other sexual health campaigns and resources targeting Gay/bi/queer Men: Fuck Safer, We Love to Fuck, PEP Can Stop You From Getting HIV, Our Agenda, The Sex You want, Stronger Together: Let’s Keep it Up!, Attack of the Cursed Syphilis!

Alliance for South Asian AIDS Prevention (ASAAP)

Location: Toronto, ON


ASAAP provides HIV & AIDS, sexual health and support services for South Asian communities in the Greater Toronto Area. We are committed to providing health promotion, care, and support for self-identifying South Asians living with, at risk of, or affected by HIV & AIDS. Our programs and services are delivered in culturally appropriate ways while simultaneously challenging the discomfort many have in talking about sexuality and sexual health.


A sexual health and HIV prevention program catering to South Asian women and newcomers. An online community dedicated to creating a safe space so people can feel comfortable in, while gaining knowledge about sex and sexuality, HIV/STI prevention and health as a whole.


A Toronto-based social and support group for self-identified South Asian gay, bisexual and transgender men.  An online community dedicated to creating a safe space so people can feel comfortable in, meeting new people, while gaining knowledge about sex and sexuality, HIV/STI prevention and mental health.


Snehithan is a social and support group for Tamil men who like men. We have monthly discussion sessions, socials and are also a resource for sexual health questions, and safe-space free of judgement.


Lassi is a social and support group for young (16-29) South Asian guys who like guys.

Connecting to Care

Connecting to Care is a support program for both women and men that aims to create a space where South Asians living and aging with HIV can connect with one another, access services, inform resources and optimize their health.

Tease Project

Tease Project is an exciting new program piloting an artsbased engagement model with South Asian youth on sexual health, HIV & AIDS and leadership using popular education techniques.

Story Sharing for Sexual Health

A community based research project run by ASAAP and funded by the Women’s XChange 15K Challenge. Eight South Asian women delivered sexual health education sessions through stories and fact sheets to 77 South Asian women across Toronto.

Asian Community AIDS Services (ACAS)

Location: Toronto, ON


A charitable, non-profit, community-based organization located in Toronto, Canada. We provide safer sex education and services to the East and Southeast Asian communities and support services to persons living with HIV & AIDS and members of the LGBTQ communities. Our programs are based on a pro-active and holistic approach to HIV & AIDS and are provided in a collaborative, empowering, and non-discriminatory manner.

The ACAS Community Engagement & Social Media Program

The program offers customizable workshops on HIV and LGBTQ issues and often collaborates with other service organizations in community events.  Through the use of social media, the program further engages community members through online platforms and online magazine, Qi Magazine.


SLAM! is the gay/bi Asian Men’s program created by Asian Community AIDS Services (ACAS) based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The SLAM! website is a hub to curate relevant and interesting information for gay/bi Asian men.

Black Coalition for AIDS Prevention (Black CAP)

Location: Toronto, ON


Black CAP is Canada’s largest Black specific AIDS service organization that works to respond to the threat of HIV & AIDS in Toronto’s African, Caribbean and Black communities. Black CAP’s mission is to reduce the spread of HIV infection within Toronto’s Black communities and to enhance the quality of life of people living with or affected by HIV & AIDS. Black CAP offers a range of prevention, outreach and settlement programs and services to various groups.

Casey House Hospice

Location: Toronto, ON


Twelve-person hospice in downtown Toronto, providing holistic and medical support for people with HIV. Drawing from our community of experts, both locally and internationally, Casey House plays a leading role in the Toronto community of AIDS service organizations in putting together conferences, workshops and symposiums in order to further our collective understanding of HIV & AIDS.

Fire House

Location: Toronto, ON


An innovative, client-focused provider of secure and supportive affordable housing and services to people living with HIV & AIDS in the Greater Toronto Area. Fife House is recognized as a North American leader in its delivery of services, which are focused on enhancing quality of life, building on individual strengths and promoting independence – recognizing that access to secure and affordable housing is a key determinant for the health and well-being of people living with HIV & AIDS.

Thrive $6.65

For a week in 2015, senior staff, board members and stakeholders of Fife House will drastically restrict their personal food budgets to $6.65 a day, the amount most clients have for food, to raise funds and help understand and draw attention to, the poverty and struggle of Fife House’s clients.

A Taste for Life (2015)

Participating Taste restaurants open their doors on Wednesday, April 22nd, 2015 and donate 25% of their evening sales to AIDS Service Organizations in their community.

Performers for Life

A fundraising campaign that brings the Toronto theatre community and theatre patrons together to support our mission. Each year, our volunteers ‘shake the donation can’ in the lobbies of many of Toronto’s established theatres asking patrons to make a donation towards our provision of secure and affordable supportive housing and support services for people living with HIV & AIDS.

HIV & AIDS Legan Clinic Ontario (HALCO)

Location: Toronto, ON


HALCO is a charitable not-for-profit community-based legal clinic that provides free legal services for people with HIV & AIDS who live in Ontario, Canada.

Prisoners with HIV/AIDS Support Action Network (PASAN)

Prisoners with HIV/AIDS Support Action Network (PASAN)

Location: Toronto, ON


A community-based AIDS Service organization that strives to provide community development, education and support to prisoners and ex-prisoners, youth in custody and their families in Ontario ON HIV / AIDS, Hepatitis C (HCV) and other harm reduction issues.

Toronto People with AIDS Foundation (PWA)

Location: Toronto, ON


PWA promotes the health and well-being of all people living with HIV & AIDS by providing accessible, direct, and practical support services. PWA has financial assistance programs, a food bank, weekly frozen meal delivery program, therapeutic care programs as well as other social programs for their clients.

Circle of Care

A collaborative approach to providing diverse, innovative and practical support services to women living with HIV in Toronto. It is a consortium of five ASOs including the AIDS Committee of Toronto (ACT), Black Coalition for AIDS Prevention (Black CAP), PASAN, Toronto People With AIDS Foundation (PWA) and The Teresa Group.


Location: Charlottetown, PE


An HIV & AIDS service organization which provides support to people living with HIV & AIDS and engages in prevention through harm reduction and public awareness.

AIDS Community Care Montreal (ACCM)

Location: Montréal, QC


ACCM is a volunteer-based community organization working to enhance the quality of life of people living with HIV & AIDS, to prevent HIV transmission, and to promote community awareness and action.

Jack & Jacques

An online resource that sends STI testing reminders to gay and bisexual men’s inboxes on a schedule. Jack & Jacques also helps participants locate the closest resource centres as well as equips them with the knowledge to understand their sex-related risks, their serological status, and prevention needs.


A sexual health initiative that aims to lower STI transmission by delivering safer sex, pamphlets, and wholesale priced sex toys to organizers and participants of gay and mixed-orientation sex parties in the region of Montreal. Outreach workers also facilitate risk reduction and safer sex information sessions at parties, and is present to answer sex-related questions in a non-judgmental manner.


SextEd is a sexual health text messaging project aimed at youth in the Greater Montreal Area. It’s a free, anonymous, and non-judgemental way to get answers to any of your questions about sex – and we mean ANY questions.

Farha Foundation

Location: Montréal, QC


The Farha Foundation is Quebec’s leading AIDS fundraising organization, committed to help men, women and children living with HIV & AIDS.

Ça Marche

Thousands of participants walk the streets of downtown Montreal to help bring awareness to Quebec’s HIV & AIDS campaign.

REZO Sante

Location: Montréal, QC


RÉZO (previously Action Sero Zero) is a community-based organization for gay and bisexual men in Montreal whose focus is overall health promotion as well as the prevention of HIV & AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections.

Are you well equipped?

A national campaign of awareness and prevention of HIV / AIDS with the aim of helping gay and bisexual men to identify the various factors at home or areas that can make them vulnerable to sexual risk-taking.

We play safe

Initially coordinated by AIDS Vancouver with participation of other organizations, this bilingual HIV & AIDS prevention campaign aimed to promote safer sex practices.

Think about it

A national campaign whereby RÉZO ACCM (Aids Community Care Montreal) were the representatives in Montreal, was held at the Canada level for the attention of gay and bisexual communities. The aim of the campaign was to reduce risk-taking with respect to HIV transmission and other STIs.

AIDS Programs South Saskatchewan

Location: Regina, SK


The AIDS Programs South Saskatchewan provides HIV/AIDS/HEP-C related education, prevention, and support services for the people of Regina and Southern Saskatchewan.

Queen City Exchange

At the Queen City Exchange drop-in, they offer a friendly positive space for clients and visitors. There are many pamphlets and brochures in a wide array of subjects available for visitors to read. Staff members are also on hand for harm reduction counselling regarding sexual health and safer drug use practices.

HIV Positive Client Care Program

​The Client Care program works directly with people living with HIV/AIDS. The Client Care Coordinator works in conjunction with individuals to determine personal needs and together design supportive plans which may include but are not limited to: practical needs (food, clothing), health services (transportation, education, medication, and nutrition), support (counseling, alternative treatments), housing issues and referrals to other agencies.

AIDS Saskatoon

Location: Saskatoon, SK


The primary AIDS service organization serving Central and Northern Saskatchewan. We provide outreach, education and support for people living with and affected by HIV, AIDS and Hepatitis C. We have outreach centres in Saskatoon, Prince Albert, La Ronge and Yorkton.

Making Heat Campaign

HIV testing awareness program.

All Nations Hope Network

Location: Regina, SK


A network of Indigenous people, organizations and agencies that respectfully strive to provide support and services to our First Nations, Métis and Inuit families and communities who are experiencing HIV & AIDS and Hepatitis C.

Saskatchewan Indigenous Strategy on HIV and AIDS (SISHA)

Strategy to address the HIV & AIDS epidemic in culturally appropriate ways.

Sanctum Care Group

Location: Saskatoon, SK


Sanctum provides e a ten bed hospice for Saskatoon’s most vulnerable persons who are experiencing chronic illness as a result of their HIV positive status and who need specialized assistance in managing symptoms of their disease as well as other psycho-social and practical support.

Blood Ties Four Directions Centre

Location: Whitehorse, YT


The mission at Blood Ties is to eliminate barriers and create opportunities for people to have equal access to health and wellness and to live in their community with dignity.

Support Programs

Support and counselling is offered to those living with HIV, Hepatitis C, and/or are highly vulnerable to infection. There are also lunch programs, drug user support programs, housing services, and justice services available.

Education Programs

Programs are available in prevention education, STI’s, HIV, Hepatitis C, and harm reduction.

Please note this list is not an exhaustive list, and is updated periodically. If your organization is missing, please contact CANFAR at