A message to our community during the COVID-19 pandemic 

Together, we have watched this global COVID-19 situation unfold over the last few weeks. It’s a challenging time for every corner of the world, and many organizations like CANFAR have had to make difficult decisions to respond to this pandemic. 

We would like to share with you CANFAR’s efforts to protect the health of our supporters, donors, staff and our larger community.  

What CANFAR is doing 

Following the direction from Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health to practice social distancing, we are postponing two of our signature fundraising events this spring: AIDSbeat and Can You Do Lunch?  

CANFAR staff are working from home as of Monday, March 16. In addition, we are postponing or cancelling face-to-face meetings to minimize the spread of COVID-19 and the burden on our health care system. However, you may still contact us by email during this time.   

What you can do 

For the latest news and information on how you can protect yourself and those in our community at the greatest risk for coronavirus-related complications, please visit the Government of Canada website. According to public health experts, people living with (and without) HIV may also be at risk if they are over the age of 65 or have any of the underlying conditions associated with greater risk of illness, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes and kidney injury. 

Planning for the future 

Above all, we remain optimistic for the future – that sentiment is central to our mandate of ending Canada’s HIV epidemic. Rest assured we are not pressing pause on our mandate even though we are postponing our spring events. In fact, the coming weeks and months will be a time of recalibration at CANFAR; once COVID-19 is behind us, you can expect CANFAR to boldly launch an ambitious yet realistic action plan to end Canada’s HIV epidemic. 

There is a lot of uncertainty in the world right now, but as always, CANFAR is touched by the unwavering commitment and generosity of our family of donors, supporters and staff.   

We are in this together, and we will get through this together.