CANFAR Profiles: Dr. Norbert Gilmore
Now, We Can Look Back Proudly On All That Has Been Achieved In AIDS Research In Canada As a founding member of the Canadian Foundation for AIDS Research (CANFAR), and a doctor working in the area of HIV and AIDS, I could never have imagined that we would have achieved all that we have today. […]
CANFAR Profiles: Dr. Clemon George
This Research Provides The Backdrop For Further Work To Explore The Sexual Health Needs Of Black Parents And Their Children I was fortunate enough to be one of (CANFAR’s) chosen researchers, with a $25,000 grant for my study on “Black Canadian Parent-Youth Communication on Sex and HIV”. Because of the CANFAR research grant, and the […]
CANFAR Profiles: Paul Pighin
In 2002 I Became Really Sick. I Was Told That I Would Need To Start On Medications Right Away I came out in 1992, when I was 22 years old. This was an amazing time for me. I had fallen in love for the first time, and was beginning to truly live out my life […]
CANFAR Spotlight: Kayla Hoffman-Rogers
Name: Kayla Hoffman-Rogers Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia Occupation/Volunteer Role/Education/Background: Currently a student, graduating May with a BSc major in Neuroscience, President of CANFAR Dalhousie. I am really interested in healthcare. When did you get involved in the fight against HIV and AIDS? 3 years ago, I wish I could say earlier Why do […]