Request for Proposal 2020

Request for Proposal 2020 We are pleased to announce CANFAR’s 2020 Research Request for Proposal – the Innovation Research Grant. Overview In this Innovation Research Grant competition, the grants awarded will be $40,000 for one year. The research includes all aspects of HIV prevention, treatment and care, and cure. The goal of the $40,000 awards is to stimulate and fund […]
Dispelling Myths Related to HIV

CANFAR is committed to raising awareness and fighting stigma associated with HIV and AIDS. Stigma and misinformation have continuously challenged the HIV and AIDS community since the very first cases in North America reported in the early 1980s. Despite incredible advances in HIV prevention, treatment, and care, those misconceptions remain deeply embedded in our collective […]
Decades of Leading Excellence in Research

CANFAR’s scientific advisory committee marks decades of leading excellence in research–30 years to be exact! When Dr. Stanley Read first joined CANFAR’s Scientific Advisory Committee nearly 30 years ago, the outlook for a person newly diagnosed with HIV was dire. At the time, the diagnosis of HIV was often a death sentence. “It was pretty bleak,” Dr. Read […]
Canada Invests in HIV Research

Canada invests in HIV research that will ensure we have the tools to fight HIV and end the AIDS epidemic. In marking World AIDS Day, Health Minister Jane Philpott delivered welcome news to the research community—the federal government will increase its commitment to funding HIV and AIDS research by $3.5 million. Canada currently invests approximately […]